Saturday, December 12, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Today, we went and had breakfast with Santa.  We had to explain to Natalie that Santa was actually Santa's Helper.  Obviously Santa can not be at the North Pole and attend the many Christmas Parties all at the same time, so he has to send his helpers to talk to the children.  Natalie accepted this story and we breathed a sigh of relief because we don't want her to know just yet! She still thinks Christmas is Magic!

Because I have to relocate myself to the Stork's Nest on the 26th of December we are doing Christmas a few days early.  Natalie typically would  not have known the difference, but since she has learned the days of the week and can now read a Calendar we had to explain that since the Baby might make her appearance early Santa wanted to make sure Natalie got a good Christmas and he is going to come visit her early just in case her sister comes (since she has already tried to come early).  Natalie too accepted this and is super excited for Christmas!

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