Monday, December 21, 2009


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cookie Decorating and Philharmonic Orchestra's

This past week Natalie decorated Gingerbread Cookies with her friend Daisy.  Daisy is in Pre-K with Natalie as well as TaeKwonDo.  Daisy's father is a pilot and her mother is a graduate of Texas A&M Class of 2003.  After getting to know Daisy's mother, it turns out that both Shauna and I were Agricultural Economic Majors and both graduated in May of '03.  Apparently we had several classes together, but never met.  Small world that we meet in South Korea and our daughters are now friends.  Daisy and Natalie absolutely love each other, and it was with Daisy that Natalie stayed when I was in the hospital the first of December.

Daisy Lou and Natalie Mae

Also, Natalie and I had the opportunity to go listen to an amazing philharmonic orchestra.  Rick was working late, so I dressed the princess up and off we went.  It didn't take long before the Princess was sleeping.  We left at intermission due to her slumber state, but I really enjoyed the night of music.  I absolutely adore orchestras and instrumental music.

All dressed up ready for a night of music

After the concert was over, we were graced with an evening of snow.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Today, we went and had breakfast with Santa.  We had to explain to Natalie that Santa was actually Santa's Helper.  Obviously Santa can not be at the North Pole and attend the many Christmas Parties all at the same time, so he has to send his helpers to talk to the children.  Natalie accepted this story and we breathed a sigh of relief because we don't want her to know just yet! She still thinks Christmas is Magic!

Because I have to relocate myself to the Stork's Nest on the 26th of December we are doing Christmas a few days early.  Natalie typically would  not have known the difference, but since she has learned the days of the week and can now read a Calendar we had to explain that since the Baby might make her appearance early Santa wanted to make sure Natalie got a good Christmas and he is going to come visit her early just in case her sister comes (since she has already tried to come early).  Natalie too accepted this and is super excited for Christmas!

Baby Shower

Three weeks ago, my friends threw me a baby shower.  It was a really special day, and I had a great time. They did a good job decorating and cooking wonderful food. Since the baby's room is a tropical print in yellow and pink they used the same theme for the shower. We had a Hawaiian themed baby shower.  I loved it.

Amy (and Sophia), Me (with Emery) and Kim
Yesterday, I co hosted a shower for Amy, one of the ladies who threw my shower.  She is due a day before me and is also expecting a daughter. Her baby girl, Sophia, will have an Arabian Nights themed nursery filled with rich jewel tones and fabrics of the same color.  For her shower we threw a Thai inspired baby shower with the same colors and Thai food.  I had only been home from the hospital for less than 24 hours when we had her party, so it was definitely interesting to pull it together when I had half of the items! :)

Here are some pictures from my shower, and I will be posting pictures from Amy's shower later. 

Cheesy Pregnant Woman drinking a Pina Colada

The cakes for my shower.  Kim made this beautiful diaper cake!

Opening some gifts

Reading the sweet card from Joanne

Friday, December 11, 2009

Korean Hospitals...

Korean Hospitals are not like American Hospitals...

I had the wonderful pleasure of spending the last two days of my life in a Korean Hospital in Seoul, South Korea.  It began on Wednesday when I went for an ultrasound at the military hospital.  The ultrasound was great and the little girl is quite hefty for her age (App. 5.5 lbs.)  Afterwards I dropped off a letter for my doctor.  Needless to say I was given a NST and it showed I was having contractions and was dilated partially.  I immediately got sent by Ambulance to a Korean Hospital.  I had every test known to mankind and felt very violated. I even got a chest x-ray. I am still trying to figure that one out.

I got to share a little room with a korean lady, sleep on a gurney, and much more fun.  I was released today after the contractions stopped and I never dilated.  Thank goodness for that.  I have no pictures because I didn't want any!!!!

Lets hope this little one stays in until Christmas Day......thats the project date I can deliver at the American Hospital, and after the last two/three days that is a much better place.

I will never take the healthcare I have received in the United States forgranted again!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby's Bedding

Here are some pictures of the bedding my mom made for the little girl on the way.  I had purchased some Vera Bradley fabric in Korea and sent it to her with no real idea in mind.  She put Minky Material on the back so Emery will be all nice and Cozy.  I am so excited to get the bedding and see it on our crib, but here is a peek at what it looks like. This is the crib at Mom's house.  I LOVE IT!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Another Week, Another OB Appointment

I went for my weekly appointment today.  Nothing new to report except that little girl decided to have a growth spurt and has finally caught up in size!!!  Tomorrow, I have to have an ultrasound on her little kidneys.  I got a quick glimpse of her today as the doctor wanted to check to see if she was head down. Last week she was a clearly breech, but during the week she managed to position herself head down.  She has a rather large noggin.....

Natalie has dance and Tae Kwon Do tonight and tomorrow she will be spending the night with her friend Daisy.  They are going to have so much fun!!  :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

33 Weeks Preggo

I went to the OB for my appointment this week. Yes, I know I am 33 weeks and that is not a typical appointment, but I have been blessed with the opportunity to see the OB weekly.  Thats right. I get weekly appointments from here on out.  I think I might feel like a lab rat before this baby is born. The reason for the weekly appointments is due to several factors.  One being the fact that Natalie was born at 35 weeks, and apparently that places me at a greater risk for another early labor.  The second reason is that last week I had already started dilating and was 25% effaced.  Finally, they are still monitoring her kidneys so better be safe than sorry. Normally, I would be upset, but considering the medical care in Korea is not the greatest I am actually shocked and surprised that they are monitoring her so closely.

I have another appointment on the 8th of December and an Ultrasound on the 9th. They are going to check her kidneys, my cervix and make sure she is growing correctly. I think this little girl is going to be small!  I was way bigger with Natalie.

For all of you who want to see pictures, scroll down and look at the picture of me at 30 weeks. I look exactly the same.  Thats right, I have not grown or changed at all. She is still measuring about 30 weeks, so no big change to report. I will have Rick take a picture as soon as I get batteries in my camera!


Pictures of Thanksgiving are soon to come!  We didn't take many this year as I forgot to put batteries in the camera! Go Figure!

Breaking Boards

Natalie broke her first board in Tae Kwon Do tonight. We are so proud of her. She hit the board with the palm of her hand and it snapped in half!  Way to go Natalie. This is only her third week and she is doing amazing. Her teacher told us that she is picking it up really fast.  She should test for Yellow Belt in January or February!

Way to go Little Girl!!
