Monday, August 8, 2011

1 week young

Henley Grace is 1 week old today. She has had an eventful week and this second week of life will be busier.  We said goodbye to Ricks Mom and Colton today.They were able to be here for the birth of Henley and experience the world of Korea!  Tomorrow we are off to Yongsan for Miss Henley's ultrasound, hearing test and to get her passport and birth certificate paperwork completed.  Thursday Henley has a check up and Friday Miss Gabby has her 18 month check up.  Busy week.  I don't think I have rested yet.  Rick is also back to work come Thursday therefore I will be learning a new routine with the two little girls!  Here are a few pictures of the newest princess to celebrate her 1st week of life!

This girl has some seriously long legs.  Pretty sure that is a Thomas trait being passed along. 

Being smothered in Kisses from her sister.  That is pretty typical for Gabby

Relaxing in the bouncer for a couple minutes before her sister tried to sling shot her out of it.  Henley has to be placed high out of Gabby's reach.  

Here comes trouble....d

I'm one week old today!!! Mommy thinks I look like a combo of Natalie and Gabby.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow, busy bees you all are! Hopefully you will have time to rest soon. Even though Avery was as gentle as she could be, I often felt like I was doing the hiesman pose to protect my little football during the first month, lol!

I'm very interested to know how life is with 3...especially the 2 so close in age! Keep us updated!

Love to you all!