Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shoe Tying and bike riding

Sleeping Beauty with her favorite blanket and seahorse.  The Blanket is by far her favorite lovie, but the seahorse she sleeps with nightly.

Natalie was feeding Gabby breakfast. Look how she opens her mouth to show Gabby what to do!
Sister cuddles.  
Our new couch.  It is definitely better than the Korean rock we used to have.
The love seat that matches the couch. The fabric is almost identical to the fabric of some chairs mom and dad have.
Yes, she can sit all by herself with no pillows and no help.  She is only 5 1/2 months old but doing this for 2 weeks. She is a rock star baby. I am sure she will crawl in no time.
The first step in the shoe tying process.
Going around the rabbit ears into the hole
Pull! She mastered this skill in only one day!!!!
Did I forget to mention that she also learned how to ride her bike. 


Ray, Jayme, Caeleb, Alaura & Hailey said...

Cute pictures! They are both so adorble!

Andrea said...

Geez, your kids are growing up too fast! Slow them down. I miss you guys!

Bri Hedgpeth said...

I love the pics of Natalie helping feed Gabby. They are going to be such good friends!

Anonymous said...

love the panty peek love the toe showing love to see under her panties