We had a follow up on Gabby's head the other day. Her head was measuring 17 1/2 inches and that placed her in the 97% which is up from the 92%, but only slightly. Her new doctor in Yongsan said after reviewing the scans that he was not concerned with her head growth at all. She shows no sign of any tumors or hydrocephalus and he predicts that her head will stay in the 90-100% from here on out!
Since we were already there, he also did her 6 month check up a little early.
Weight: 15.0 lbs (40%)
Height: 25.25 inches (50%)
Head: 17.5 inches (97%)
She can sit, has two teeth, is trying to crawl, and grab objects (mostly left handed, so hopefully she will be our leftie) and can roll around the floor. Developmentally, she is advanced on her motor skills, average on the fine motor skills. WOO HOO! I think she will be like her Daddy and be a go getter!
We have to have one more head followup in 2 months then her 9 month check up and if those come back with her head in the same percentiles then we will get released from further testing. If her head grows to exceed the 100% then we will have a CT. Lets pray that her head growth goes smoothly!
UCF tour
1 month ago
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