Sunday, August 4, 2013

The last six months

Dear Blog,

Boy have I neglected you. This might be the longest I have gone without updating you.  I do hope that you forgive me for my neglect, and I promise that I will attempt to do better updating you.  The last six months have been quiet the whirlwind for our family, thus taking my attention away.  As I stated in my last post, we welcomed the 4th addition to our family in February. Our bouncing baby boy!  As if that was not reason enough to distract me from you dear blog, we also had an international move, nothing shy of a monumental feat when you are moving six people from South Korea to South Carolina.  With that being said, I will give you a brief synopsis of what has been going on.

February:  We welcomed our sweet baby boy, Zachary Payton Frank to the family. He completed the Frank family and we look forward to our life with three princesses and one prince.

March:  March was like most months in South Korea, COLD!  Rick spent most of the month in the field and I spent most of the month taking care of four children, three of which are three and under!

April:  Once again nothing huge and monumental, and no reason I didn't blog except for the baby keeping me busy.  We did have to move out of our house for two weeks while some repairs were being done and we lived in a hotel (on the governments dime).  Our household goods were boxed up and loaded onto a truck which would then see them to the port and onto a boat bound for South Carolina.

May:  Back in our house, we had no furniture and no toys for the kids, but it was finally nice outside so we spent lots of time playing at the park.  By the end of may we were back into the hotel and waiting to leave South Korea. The home we have had for the last four years and the country where I delivered the three smallest children.  This will forever hold a soft spot in my heart because it was here that we grew as a family and welcomed our sweet children into the world. It was also where we received the shock of our lives when we found out we were going to welcome a 4th child, our only son!  I had a love hate relationship with South Korea, but I can say I would go back again!

June: Bon Voyage!  The Frank left South Korea enroute to South Carolina.  South Carolina, what can I say about that except it is the South. I have come to believe that I am not a Southern Girl in the true meaning of the word. I might be better suited for cities and a little less country. We arrived in South Carolina and quickly got established. We signed the lease on our house, got cell phones, purchased a vehicle for Rick, purchased furniture for the children and dining room, went on vacation to Myrtle Beach, returned home, took another weekend to Myrtle Beach, had speech testing on Henley, unpacked and unpacked some more.  It is a blur of a month. The children did great on the flight and we couldn't have asked for a more smooth transition.

July: The month of July was spent mostly in the Columbia area while we acclimated to the new environment and the kids started settling down and Rick reported to school in Augusta, Georgia.  We went through more speech testing on Henley, not once but twice in order for our Insurance to cover therapy sessions.  We visited Savannah for a weekend and spent time at the Zoo, Monkey Joe's Bounce house, and the kiddie pool in our backyard.  July too went by quickly and as we enter August, we will see the start of 3rd Grade for Natalie, Pre-K for Gabby (taught by Mom), speech therapy for Henley and Zachary will turn 1/2 a yr old.

Here are some pictures to recap the months of June and July. The other months are on the laptop with Rick in Augusta, GA and I am at home in South Carolina.

This is how I rolled through the airport.  One on the front and one on the back! 

We split the kids 2 and 2. I got these two little guys.

Rick got Natalie and Henley. They slept most of the flight. I wish I could say I was that lucky.

Zach's first trip to the beach proved to be a relaxing time.

All smiles after a brief nap.

PIRATES!!! We went on a pirate cruise for kids and the girls were transformed into pirates for the day.

Playing in the sprinkler in our clothes

A trip to the children's museum one night.

This lil (big) boy turned 5 months old!

We went fishing at a lake one weekend, unfortunately we didn't catch any fish.

We took the girls back to their natural habitat, the zoo.


We make funny faces!!

Experiencing first pony rides.

First bites of cereal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the blue panties with cherries wish they would fit me