Miss Henley Grace is 8 months old. The past 8 months have flown by. She is no longer a "baby" but has proven to be the most advanced as skills are concerned. She started crawling at 7 months and by 7.5 months was pulling up on everything. She is speedy and is really wanting to keep up with her sisters. She doesn't talk much but just started babbling babababa. Hopefully she starts "talking" soon. She has 2 bottom teeth and one that is completely through on the top. 3 more teeth barely broke the top gum so in a few days she will have 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom. Here are her stats:
Weight: 23 lbs (99%)
Height: 29.25 inches (98%)
Head: 100% (Large like her sisters, but more proportionate to her size)
Pulls Up to Standing
Ba ba ba
Feeds herself finger foods, and eats everything. Girl never misses a meal.
UCF tour
1 month ago
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