Wednesday, January 11, 2012


A glimpse into playtime....or naptime whichever :)

What the girls are really like. Natalie is always posing, Henley just wants to eat everything and Gabby is a HOT MESS....This was the best picture we could get. HAA

We babysat Sophia the other night. She has an obsession with Basketball. Here Rick is trying to teach her to shoot while Gabby wants a Princess dress on. TYPICAL.

Gabby in on the action. Look at those little panties! :)

Go Sophia

A little mozart before bed never hurt anyone.

Oops got caught snuggling/napping with a sweet chubby baby girl.

What the play room looks like when these 2 get ahold of it. HRMMMM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute panties