Henley Grace Frank arrived into this world on August 2, 2011 at 1225 pm. She weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs and was 20.3 inches tall. She was by far the BIGGEST of my 3 girls. She has a head of dark hair and seems to be a mixture of her sisters. She was born full term, also a first for my kiddos. Labor was smooth easy and I was able to deliver her naturally with no epidural. Ricks Mom and my mom were in town and were able to take care of the girls while Rick and I were at the hospital. This is opposite from last year when I was laboring alone and Rick walked in right when I had to start pushing. This time he was with me from the start, making the experience so much more enjoyable. Overall, it was a great experience and even better considering she is our LAST BABY!! :)
3rd times the charm :)
Not happy
Sisterly love
She couldn't get enough of her.
The tornado Gabby wouldnt sit still for a picture.
There she goes, but she has to give me kisses first! :)
Natalie was loving this. Gabby looks a little perplexed.
My little bull dog on her way home with the blanket that Grammie made.
I love those pics of her all swaddled up! So glad everything went well. I hope Gabby adjusts well to being a big sister, looks like Nat is loving Ms. Henley. Great post, and congrats to all of you!
Congrats!!!!! She is goregous!!!!
what a beautifulp u ssy
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