Yesterday, Gabby thought she needed to be a little dare devil and took a substantial fall onto the top of her little head. I was standing right there when it happened and caught her foot as her head smacked the ground. Several minutes of wailing, a big red indent on her head and her sudden lethargy made us more concerned than normal. Typically she falls, hits her head and a goose egg pops up immediately. This time it was opposite. 20 min after the fall we couldn't keep her awake, so off we went to the clinic. They immediately sent us to the Local Korean ER for observation because she is an infant. An ambulance ride later Gabby and I were at the ER. Rick and Natalie were coming in the car. A skull X-ray and a CT scan later we were released. Gabby was PERFECT. We were sent home with instructions to monitor her and off we went. 2-3 hours after the fall, she was back to her old self. She was slightly fussy for most of the day, but hey that was understandable! :)
Here are some pictures of her today before morning nap. We were playing with Bubbles and on the Swings.
Running away from me.
"BUBBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed that loudly.
Got ahold of the bubble blower.
Popping bubbles.
She makes funny faces at me.
Yes, this is how she likes to slide.
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