Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Life of Gabby

RUGabby is one busy busy girl. I love her to death, but she can make a mess quicker than a blink of an eye.

This is what happens when Gabby is done eating.  All her food winds up on the floor. Makes mopping a daily chore.

She likes to find herself in awkward positions.  Here she was stuck under Natalie's desk and desk chair.  She eventually got out.

Running round naked after bathtime throwing her toys all about.

She builds forts under her little table in the play room

Getting into the pantry and spilling hot chocolate all over my freshly mopped floor and her clean clothes

Helping her sister and friend destroy the playroom

Loves carrying around purses.  Here she is toting 3 bags with her.  She does have good taste because one is a Coach.

She stole a bag of grapes and I found her sitting near the patio eating grapes!  

You will never know what she will get into next! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heranus is sweet