Once again, Natalie is the world's best toddler. I took her Jet Skiing yesterday. I, along with a friend of mine, took the Jet Ski's out on Lake Grapevine. I strapped Natalie into her life vest and off we went. In order to facilitate the two adults going crazy on the Jet Ski's we would "crash" the Jet Skis into one another kill the engine and pass Natalie back and forth. This allowed us to have individual time going full throttle and doing stunts. Natalie was so much fun and laughed the whole time. She never got scared and has already asked to do it again. Due to the fact we were on water, no pictures were taken, but here are a few from Chuck E Cheese and Bass Pro Shop, our pit stops before the Jet Skiing adventure. Natalie is a little rockstar!!

Its the Natty Clock!

I think I might be scarier than the shark!

It seems the shark is eating Natalie
mum lets go in the bathroom and let the girls watch mecum in your ass
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