Friday, May 30, 2008

Week at Grandma's

Natalie has spent the week at Grandma's house. She has played in her pool everyday. She informed me and her grandmother that we are too big and her DadDad needs to buy us an adult pool. She also told her DadDad he needed to buy her a sand box. She has been a joy to talk to on the phone and I know she is having a blast. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. However, I have enjoyed a few days of peace and quiet and some quality time with friends.

Natalie starts her new school on Monday, and I am anxious to see how she does, and what the Montessori is like.

This song is for my beautiful baby girl. She absolutely loves it. Sings to it in the back of the car and does a sassy little head bob! Its too cute!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Once again, Natalie is the world's best toddler. I took her Jet Skiing yesterday. I, along with a friend of mine, took the Jet Ski's out on Lake Grapevine. I strapped Natalie into her life vest and off we went. In order to facilitate the two adults going crazy on the Jet Ski's we would "crash" the Jet Skis into one another kill the engine and pass Natalie back and forth. This allowed us to have individual time going full throttle and doing stunts. Natalie was so much fun and laughed the whole time. She never got scared and has already asked to do it again. Due to the fact we were on water, no pictures were taken, but here are a few from Chuck E Cheese and Bass Pro Shop, our pit stops before the Jet Skiing adventure. Natalie is a little rockstar!!

Its the Natty Clock!

I think I might be scarier than the shark!

It seems the shark is eating Natalie

Monday, May 19, 2008

Baby Bowling


The last couple of years have taught me many things, but one is that being a single mother is not easy. I sit at home most evenings talking to the wall because my daughter is asleep and there is no one to keep me company. I do not have the luxury of meeting up with friends on the spur of the moment because I have to consider Natalie. However, Natalie does go everywhere with me. She is my side kick, my mini me. She loads up and travels quietly, or sometimes loudly, next to me and is my partner in crime. She goes to meetings, lunches, dinners, movies, shopping and anywhere else I need to go. She is a little adult, and I take forgranted how easy going and well behaved she is. There is nothing she won't do. Tonight I took her bowling with some friends of mine. She was a perfect angel. She bowled, talked to my friends like she was an adult and even played video games. She had the men wrapped around her little finger and has us ladies cracking up. I got her home put her to bed and for once I realized that I don't have a typical 3 year old. I have a 3 year old going on 30. I have a child who knows how to behave, is polite, and can sit down through a game of bowling and not complain one bit. How did I get so lucky to have this angelic, well mannered, and easy easy easy going child? I do not know, but I am one lucky lady.

Enjoy the pictures of Natalie's FIRST BOWLING EXPERIENCE

Teaching her how to bowl. We are getting ready to let it go

High Fives for knocking the pins down

Why did my friends take a picture of my rear end? We do look rather silly

Good Ole Grandma Pose. Look at Natalie's little feet between mine.

Ski Ball. She didn't do so well at it.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Grapevine, Texas

Grapevine, Texas, a small town within a huge city! The town where Natalie was born. The town where I would love to live. This weekend was Main Street Days in Grapevine. Natalie and I went to the festival and had a wonderful day.

The Train Station. Its a small historic station

Dancing in the street.

White Tigers. They are extinct in the wild, but there are 450 in captivity.

Natalie feeding Gita meat.

I don't think this girl can get enough fishing. It appears that Nat loves fishing.

Look at the flowers down her arm. Nat never lets anyone touch her face, but her arm is fair game.

My little girl loves Elephants whether real, toy or even Elephant Rides. Disney Dumbo Ride here we come next!

Petting Zoos = Loads of Fun. Chickens to pet and chase even more fun.

Who doesn't love a little baby goat!

TALL tall pirate! Argh Matey!

Darts at Balloons. Nat hit 2 Balloons with the Darts. That backpack got awfully hot and my back was quite sweaty by the end of the day.

Potato sack slide with a friend of mine.

Natalie's first roller coaster. She is in the second car. She absolutely loved the roller coaster

Carousels. Need I say more?

Showdown! A gun right erupted right after I took this.

Steam engine. Nat is obessed with trains, so we took a ride on the Steam Engine.

Here is our ticket. It even got punched.

This was the little kids show. All the kids lined up for some games.

Natalie waiting and smacking on some bubble gum.

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes.

LIMBO...she ducked instead of leaning back, but hey who cares!

WINNER! All the kiddies won Medals. Not plastic, but real metal medal! She had a blast today, and I am sure we will be back next year!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Creating Culinary Masterpieces with Goats Milk

Our adventure with Goat's Milk began in 2005 when 2-3 month old Natalie was not tolerating formula. We tried regular formula and soy formula before consulting with the Pediatrician about Natalie's upset stomach and cranky demeanor. It was suggested that we try Goat's Milk or some really expensive hypoallergenic formula. We chose Goat's Milk for all the positive things her Pediatrician said about it. We continued our use of Goat's Milk until Natalie was 2 1/2 years old when we finally transitioned her to Cow's Milk. Flash back to August 2007 when Natalie was finally on Cow's Milk daily. My little girl became really snotty, with continuous post nasal drip, a chesty cough and all around mucousy mess. By the end of 2007 Natalie was worse and began to develop a wheezy cough and eczema on her stomach. I took her to a Pediatrician in Austin, and he informed me that Natalie was exhibiting the signs of Asthma. We came home with a nebulizer and medicine to control the wheeze; however, I felt that she did not have asthma, but something else was triggering the wheeze, cough, snot, and eczema. I researched, studied, and consulted with her Pediatrician in Grapevine, Texas (who has treated her since birth) and we decided to take her off Cow's Milk and put her back on Goat's Milk. To my surprise the wheeze instantly stopped, the eczema disappeared and her snotty nose dried up. It was amazing, one minor change in her diet made the difference. I was right, Natalie didn't have asthma! One thing we were not advised on was that we should stop all dairy, so we proceeded to feed Natalie yogurt, cheese and ice cream.

In March/April 2008, Natalie once again developed the wheeze, snot nose and hacking cough. I couldn't figure out why she suddenly started having those symptoms again. I looked at her diet and realized that though she was drinking Goats Milk she was consuming vast amounts of yogurt and cheese. Natalie LOVES yogurt and was eating it daily sometimes twice a day. I once again consulted with her Pediatrician and this time I was advised to remove ALL cow's milk from her diet. This meant that she could not consume Milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and processed foods that contained milk products. Suddenly I was thrown into a world of reading labels, evaluating the contents to make sure no milk was used. I have learned a whole new way of approaching eating and the results in Natalie are amazing. The cough is gone, the snot is gone, the post nasal drip has vanished. I can't even begin to imagine that milk was the cause of her misery. So here is a list of things I have learned about Natalie's new diet:
1. I learned that Teddy Grahams do not have milk and Spaghettio's do.
2. Goat's Milk yogurt costs me $2.69 compared to Yo plait or Dan non at $0.59 for the same amount of yogurt.
3. Goats Butter is $3.49, but you must be careful when cooking with it as the fat content is higher and it has a tendency to burn.
4. You can buy Goat Milk Ice Cream
5. Central Market and Whole Foods have now become my favorite place to shop and hang out.

6. You can buy Cheddar, Gouda, Brie, Mozzarella, and Feta cheese all produced with Goat's Milk and they are relatively good, though slightly pricey.

7. I can make almost anything with Goat's Milk and if it is baked there is not much difference in taste, but if not cooked, there is a huge

8. Finally, I have had the opportunity to learn how to cook with Goats Cheese and create fun but healthy dinners. (This means no fast food or prepared food for us!) I have created the following dinners for her:
(a). Mac and Cheese with a homemade cheese sauce with her fave goat cheese;
(b). Mini Pizzas with Cheddar. A definite success.
(c). Cupcakes with goats butter and goats milk. They were chocolate and Nat LOVED them.
(d). Muffins made from scratch with Goat Milk
(e). Chicken Cordon Bleu with Goat Cheese

Those are only some of the creations I have made with her special food. I will start journalling what I cook and take pictures for you to see as I experience cooking with Goat Products.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sweet May

It is that time of year again! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, white fluffy clouds race overhead and the temperature is warm. A perfect example of a beautiful Spring Day in Texas, and the right time of year to pick STRAWBERRIES! Thats right, Natalie, MomMom and I went to Sweet Berry Farms in Marble Falls, Texas for the annual Strawberry Picking. Last year we missed the Strawberries and picked Blackberries, but this year we made it just in time. (Please note we will be returning in a couple of weeks to pick blackberries) Natalie has so much fun picking the berries, but prefers to run back and forth between the rows showing MomMom and me what she found or giving us berries to eat. She also consumed more than she picked, but she had fun. We also got to pick Onions and Potatos. Natalie can't wait to go pick Blackberries!

oLook at what I picked!

Displaying her bounty.

MomMom wanted a closeup of the very red berries.

The Pickings. 16 lbs of Strawberries; 16 lbs of Potatos and Onions

Hard working pulling those fruits and veggies.

Picking berries and veggies is tiring.

The First weekend in May is also MayFest in Fort Worth. On Sunday evening I took Natalie to MayFest with a friend of mine and his son. The kids really enjoyed the games, paintballs, and food! Afterall, what little kid doesn't enjoy a good corndog and funnel cake.

Reading the Map. No wonder we got lost, they gave us the wrong directions.

Riding the ponies

Such a big corn dog for such a little girl!

Paintballs! Natalie loved the gun!