The last 17 days have been nothing but a whirl wind and filled with doctors visits and a sick Mommy. So here is a recap in pictures of how my 2 weeks have transpired.
This cute barbie doll decided to get into a hot water cooler at the local korean store. They keep boiling hot water in public food areas for some unknown reason. While throwing away trash she hit the button and poured boiling hot water on her little hand before Natalie or myself could grab her. Two adults and Natalie were unable to stop that event. That was horrific for all involved.
While that event transpired, Henley was sitting in the shopping cart recovering from her Ear infection #4. Thats right 4 by 6 months. We are rocking the ear infections. She got lots of this from her daddy.
The Princess sustained 2nd degree burns to her hand and required daily visits to the doctors for bandage changes and to make sure that the blister did not pop, or if it popped, to ensure that no infection set in. Here she is eating gummy bears because the bandage change was horrific for her.

Once on the healing path for Gabby, Henley, Natalie and I got sick.We thought it was a cold, and Natalie and I got over it in a couple days. Not the case of this littlest princess who was keeping a fever of 103.8 to 104.5. She was seen by the doctor daily, and they couldn't figure out what it was. But last night she got worse and couldn't breathe so back to the doctors we went. She then sent us to the ER at Osan Air base where Henley was put through a hellacious amount of tests. She dropped 1.5 pounds in 1 day and was severely dehydrated from the fevers and her lack of eating. Her heart rate was 210 bpm which is high for a baby. She was given an IV with fluids, a catheter to check for UTI, X-Ray for her lungs, blood test, flu test, rsv test. Finally, her fever broke and the IV rehydration perked her up. They discharged us for a follow up with the doctor.

Today she followed up with the doctor. Her weight was back to 21 pounds and she was slightly better but still in bad shape. She developed another Ear Infection..Are you counting thats #5. :) She was given an antibiotic shot for fears she was also developing pneumonia. 7 hours later, her color is great, she has perked up and even started to try and crawl around again. She is on the mend!!!! POOR BABY!! :)
Her smile is contagious, and even here she had a 103 fever, but still smiled that sweet smile for all of us! She is a blessing. Natalie is running around like a wild 7 yr old and Gabby's hand is almost all better!! Hopefully the next 17 days are better than the last!