Well it seems like I haven't updated with a story recently so I thought I would catch you up. Rick is on leave from May 1 to May 21st. We are going on vacation to the beach tomorrow!! I am so excited I can't contain myself. It has been a long cold winter here and I need some sun. Its the first of May and we just had our first day over 60 degrees. I don't mind the cold, but 5 months of it isn't so pleasant.
Gabby is going for her 4 month check up tomorrow but I think she is approximately 12 lbs. I don't think she will win any contests for being big. She is about 23.5 inches which is really really short...She definitely got the Frank genes there. She is still my very HIGH MAINTENANCE and CRABBY baby earning her the nickname Crabby Gabby. Compared to Chatty Natty....My poor children. Gabby still has deep blue eyes, rarely naps during the day and is only content at an activity for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes it is my duty to change the scenery. She screams her head off when in the car seat making any and all car rides unpleasant. I can't wait to see what she does on the plane ride. The poor people next to me. She weaned herself from nursing so off we went on the perfect formula search. After trying Enfamil which she threw up, Similac which gave her upset stomach, we settled on Good Start and she loves it! We purchased her an Exersaucer and she loves it. Unfortunately due to her short stature she is about 2 inches too short so we have to put a pillow under her feet. Poor little G.
Natalie went in for her check up and she was 41.4 lbs up only .2 ounces from this time last year. She did grow two inches putting her in the 70th percentile for height. I think she might get some height from the Thomas side of the family. She is still thriving in Taekwndo even though I don't always enjoy going three times a week, she never wants to miss it. She is about to be testing for her Green belt and is looking forward to that. She can't wait for summer and is even more excited for August to start Kindergarten. I think she will be like her Momma and love school. Her favorite thing to do is read on Starfall.com. It has been so good for her.
Rick and I went to the DMZ last weekend. It was the first time I ever left Gabby, but was a much needed break. It was so interesting to see the line between North and South Korea and learn all about the history causing the divide.
Houston we have a thumbsucker. I was so dreading this. I am glad that she doesn't do it all the time, only when she can't find a paci.

Early morning snuggle time. Gabby got my skin coloring thats for sure. Poor girl, I wished she would have gotten Ricks more olive skin or even Natalie's darker skin. Poor little G.

Silly smiles. I loved this outfit. its a Polo one piece but is a 3-6 months outfit. I was so afraid she would never get to wear it that I put it on her for this one day. It was HUGE!! Poor little thing was swallowed, but she looked cute none the less!

Just because she looks silly in this picture, but it gives a good view of her ears, which are remarkably like my fathers. The Thomas genes are strong there.

Natalie is getting so big. She is getting more features like mine, and this is a great example of how Nat and Gab have the same eyes and even mouth.
Freedom Bell

I don't think the ROK Soldiers look that tough....

Yes we are standing in North Korea and Yes we could have beat up this solider without breaking a sweat. I think I might have weighed more than him.

Sporting my new CHANEL Sunglasses....Homage to the 80's

Bridge of No Return.

Sophia and Gabby. They are 4 days apart and I am keeping Sophia one day a week for her momma. Sophia is a doll and Gabby could learn from her!

The exersaucer that Gabby LOVES!!! Its my new life saver...All she wants to do is see the world, and this gives her the opportunity.