It's hard to believe that 4 years ago tomorrow, Natalie was born. I can't believe how fast time has gone. She is the most beautiful little girl, and I am glad I am her mother.
Fort Natalie's 4th Birthday, she asked for a TINKERBELL theme, so of course we obliged. At her request I made a Tinkerbell Cake. I made a strawberry cake and put it in a doll mold. I then iced it in buttercream icing and set it in the fridge to harden. While it was getting a little harder in the fridge, I started prepping the fondant. This was my first time working with fondant, so I didn't know what to expect. I got the green color I wanted by adding some Wilton's kelly green. After kneading it in to the fondant, I began rolling it out. Once it was rolled out I picked it up with the rolling pin and carefully draped it over the cake. I gently pressed it on the cake and cut off any edges. Once I had the cake perfectly molded I placed Tinkerbell into the center of the cake. I then made clothes for Tinkerbell and put them on her. Next I made the fondant a darker green and made leaves to go around her dress to try and imitate the real tinkerbell dress. After that was complete, I took pink buttercream icing and put little flowers around her waist to disguise where the doll went into the cake, and around the border of the dress. I also placed some pink flowers around the dress.
Overall, I think the cake looks pretty good, especially for my 1st time working with fondant!! I really liked it!!